
The latest from ELEAT HQ


High Protein Cereals vs. Traditional Breakfasts: Which is Better?

Breakfast has long been considered the most important meal of the day. However, it's also important what you're eating for breakfast. We'll look into high protein cereals vs traditional breakfasts and which is better for a variety of reasons.


  6 minute read


The First Steps to Take in Improving Your Diet

Whether the focus is losing weight or becoming healthier it can be hard to navigate the best way to start improving your diet. We’re fortunate to be supported and backed by several reputable nutritionists and we spoke with Tom McClure about where we shout start.


  4 minute read


High-Protein Diets: What are the benefits?

A high-protein diet is not a new phenomenon, but, it is often perceived to be a diet only athletes should aspire to. Everyone can see benefits from increasing the protein consumed in their diets, from improved heart health to improved metabolism.


  6 minute read


Gut Health: Influencing Factors and How This Affects Immunity

Gut health is hot topic at the moment, with increased scientific research comes increased understanding of the affecting factors and it's impact. We chatted with James Morehen to get some insight into how our immune system is affected by gut health, and what we can do to optimise it.


  4 minute read


Top Healthy Meal Tips

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good overall health and wellness. But with busy schedules and a seemingly endless array of fast food options, it can be difficult to prioritise healthy meals. Here are some tips for incorporating healthy meals into your routine...


  2 minute read


It's All About Balance

It’s all about balance” is a phrase we’ve all heard, often jokingly, in many different aspects of life.


However, here at ELEAT, we are serious about providing nutrition in balanced ratios that the body requires, to fuel your everyday.


  2 minute read

breakfast at home, on the go, post workout or at work